Asleep at the Wheel

For the LORD has poured out on you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes, namely the prophets , and HE has covered your heads, namely the seers. Isaiah 29:10

There is a Strong parallel, today, to this prophesy, given by Isaiah, as the ones with the message of hope are turned aside in contrast to those who believe that they know more than the LORD.   Churches preach Well Being instead of Repentance, the abominations of this world are being accepted as Good, while what is Good is being proclaimed as evil.  The leaders have presumed to set man above GOD and have become fools in the process, believing that without GOD they can solve all the problems of this world.  In this chapter GOD calls out the men of the 8th century BC to get them to turn around and get back to where they need to be, but unfortunately it falls on deaf ears, as it does today.  Men do not want to hear what the LORD has to say, instead repeating the words of the workers of iniquity endlessly.  They do as the Preacher, Solomon says, repeating a lie after the death of the liar and they do it endlessly, I suppose thinking that if it is repeated enough it will be believed.  Seems like they are right as the World believes the lie told from the beginning, that GOD’S Word is repressive and oppressive.

This chapter points out the empty worship of the believers as they sacrifice and go through the motions of paying Lip service to the LORD, all the while their hearts are far from HIM.  They worship out of duty instead of really meaning it in their hearts, they sacrifice the lame instead of the good, because they do not trust the LORD nor do they believe that HE is able to provide for them.  It is much the same way today as many choose not to support the Church, either in their Money, where there heart really lies, or in prayer for the leaders.  They have become blind because they do not read the Word of GOD, instead they follow every wind of doctrine that comes along not knowing the Word of GOD.  Those who truly preach the Word are dismissed as bigots and evil men, because they speak the truth, and no one wants to hear the truth.  For this GOD has sent a spirit of stupor and put a veil over the eyes of the people.  HE has cut off the true message of the HIS Word because the people want to have their ears tickled, with stories of Miracles and all the Promises, leaving out those parts that would change some for the good, not that we do not need to hear about the wonderful workings of the LORD, but we need Balance.  We do not hear about adversity but instead we hear that we can have it all with no trouble at all.

The Word is a great tool if it is taken as the LORD gave it, as insight of HIS Character and Virtue, of what HE Expects from us and how to live.  Some say they cannot understand and so the never attempt to read it, nor do they ask for understanding or what the LORD is saying to them.  So they listen to this wind of doctrine and that always blown about and having no knowledge they falter and suffer out of ignorance.  The people perish for lack of knowledge.  Some think that because they prayed a prayer for forgiveness that this is all there is to it and they can continue on in the way they Were going and still make it to heaven.  Paul talked about this and his take is that we must crucify the flesh Daily, we must reign in the body and make effort to live in the Spirit rather than walking in the world’s ways.  We are to be conformed to the Image of GOD’S Son, Jesus, and not to this world’s.  We are to renew our minds Daily and read and study to show ourselves approved.

Many come to Church each week or when the doors are open out of duty, with no real thought of Love for the LORD.  They Work in the Church to get some accolades from people rather than acceptance from the LORD.  They are like the ones Jesus spoke of, wanting the approval of men rather than GOD.  It was the same in Isaiah’s time and in Jesus’ time, the same ideas of men who think that they can get righteousness through the Works of the flesh and keeping the Law.  Throwing out GOD and HIS Word for the thoughts of men whom HE Created.  They knew better, and they were smarter, and had no need of GOD just like today.  The world has Scrapped the Word of GOD for the ramblings of mad men, whose combined mentality is that of an imbecile compared to the Wisdom and Knowledge of GOD.

In this Chapter GOD gives the people warning and even brings enemies against them, then HE gives them a break, but because of their hard hearts and their making alliances with others to save them, HE brings back the enemy.  We do the same today as we look to the money gurus and our governments to supply us and take care of us, when it is the LORD who provides, not only our sustenance but also our safety.   HE gives us wisdom to gather wealth, but that is not our security, for as quickly as we can attain it, it can be gone.  The LORD did away with 185,000 people in one night to show them that it was HE who was their protection.  Those that they relied upon had been defeated but it was the LORD who stood tall.  Today we are seeing the same kinds of things happening.  We have seen the signs of GOD’S displeasure with us and we have seen HIM staying HIS hand, then another Warning, but those who We put in charge are not listening, instead they run around with broken arms, from patting themselves on the back, proclaiming that they are in the process of fixing it.  Eventually the LORD grew tired of it and destroyed Jerusalem, and I believe that this is what is happening with America.  We are in the throws of death and on, as it were, life support, just waiting for the Creator to pull the plug.

I certainly do not know when this will happen, or if there is a chance of changing things.  Like the days of Isaiah the warning signs are there and as Jesus said, we could discern the weather, but not the times.  We are more like those of Noah’s time who blindly went about their business, even mocking Noah until the Rains came and the Door was Shut.  We listen to those who say that we are in Global Warming, as they discount the truth in favor of some computer model that an imperfect person programmed in and not looking out the window.

There is some time how much I do not know, for, the very least, of Individuals to come to the LORD before all Hell breaks loose, Literally.  It is not too late for some to Awaken, for today is the Day of Salvation.  Don’t Delay.

I used to get upset when I heard a message like this but I have learned that it is better to listen, evaluate where I am and proceed on having examined my motives.  It is, after all, the Motives of the Heart that GOD is Really concerned with.  HE can use anything we do for HIS Plan, but we are not blessed if our motives are wrong.  So don’t take offense at this word but pray about it and make adjustments accordingly if needed.  If you hear the truth and heed it, it will set you free for it is much easier to please the LORD than it is to please men whose eyes are never satisfied as Solomon said.  Know that the LORD Loves you and instructs those whom HE loves.

Until next time, thanks for looking,   al

JTB Ministries

About ancientcures

I've been a Born Again, Blood bought Christian for 38 years and I want to see all that Will accept the LORD to do so. What I seek is the Salvation of all who may read this blog. I do have other interests but none as important as sharing the Gospel with the world. I invite comments and if you think that I am in error let's discuss it but not by opinion but scripture backed. Hope all who read this blog will check out the LORD because HE Loves You. Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any other ministry that may have the same name. JTB stands for John the Baptist
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