The Myth of Security

If you would direct your heart right and spread out your hand to HIM; If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away, and do not let wickedness dwell in your tents.  Then, indeed, you could lift up your face without moral defect.

Job 11:13-15

As I see things unfold in this world of ours I am always intrigued by how the thoughts of Future Security come into play.  I am astounded because all this talk and hype is Really a Myth.  For all the might and power of the U.S. we could not prevent 9/11.  For all the money in the world could not prevent sickness and disease, and those with money and power still die and get sick.  So is there any security in this world?  Can we hold onto what we have accumulated past the grave?  Some would surely make a person believe that they thought this way, as they clamor for More.  I mean, here we are in an economic recession, or maybe a depression and still some are clamoring for better benefits and More wages, as if that is the answer to everything.

Job was a wealthy man and then one day he had nothing left, not the sheep, cattle or even his children, all things he had amassed throughout his life, gone in an instant.  His wife tells him to curse GOD and die, and many would have taken this advise, but Job says; “Shall we accept good from GOD and not bad?”  In the end all that Job could hang on to was his integrity and his unwavering faith in his Creator.  You may say that it doesn’t sound like he was unwavering, but then maybe you haven’t suffered like he did and have personal knowledge of the things, one who is suffering, goes through on their journey.  There is much involved in the struggle of grief and the aftermath of tragedy and our friend Job went through them all, times of great highs and the depths of great lows, when even his birth was a loathsome thing.  And yet he still could say, “Though you slay me, yet shall I praise you.”

Many chase that great Myth of “Utopia” but it can’t be achieved here on earth, for mankind is not capable of it.  There will always be those who are hungry for power and willing to do anything to get it, so peace is not possible.  Just by taking a look at how the world is today should give us some kind of idea that this cannot be achieved.  Sad when you think about it, that after so many years here on earth and the history involved that there still is no peace for mankind.  For all the propaganda of the Communists and Socialists, and others they never could get to the place where everyone was happy to just survive.  All the religions of the world promise this and that if you work enough for it, but there never seems to be any peace here in this world, because they are always trying to please some god that, for all intents and purposes, seems to be unable to be pleased, and yet the Myth goes on.

The god of this world has blinded it and they cannot see that chasing this Myth is futile, and really unnecessary because Peace has already been provided to those who will believe.  Jesus told us to Come to HIM and HE would give us rest, we can lay down our burdens and HE will carry them for us, We don’t have to work to find the Way to Heaven, for HE has provided it and, simple as it sounds, it’s free just for the asking.  Not only is the gift free but also there is a Guarantee that accompanies the Free Gift, namely the HOLY SPIRIT to help us to learn from the LORD how to live.  HE doesn’t beat HIS subjects to get them to live a good life, but gently moves us along and corrects us or brings to mind something that HE would like us to change.  If we fall and would steal something HE doesn’t cut our hands off, but shows us a better way and the way of forgiveness.  Don’t get me wrong about the stealing thing because there are civil consequences for actions we take, but the LORD is willing to forgive us.

Greed seems to drive us today, as we, like the Proverbs say, are never satisfied.  Nothing we have ever is enough to take care of the need for Security.  No amount of benefits, from a job, or no pay raise, no house, or jewelry, or furs, nor drugs, or alcohol, or anything else can satisfy our cravings for Security.  The reason for that is because that place is reserved for the LORD and HIS Security, which is the only Security there is.  When GOD is for you, who can be against you?  If the Creator of the world and all that is in it is providing for you what do you have need of?  Jesus taught us this in the Sermon on the Mount, when HE said not to worry about these things for the LORD Knows what we have need of and will take care of those things.

A word to the world; “Put your trust in the LORD and stop your quest for power.  Love the LORD with all your heart and your Neighbor as yourself.”  Then you will have security, if we all do this.  Of course, we see that it is not going to be in this world, for there are those who will not lay aside their need to run over another to get what they want, and so we must do the best we can, and live for the LORD as individuals, not caring whether anyone else does.  GOD will only ask us how we lived and what we believed.

It would be simpler for our government if they would, like our founders, sit down or better yet, kneel and pray and earnestly seek the Will of GOD, but they, like many, are deceived by the god of this world into thinking that they can solve problems without the help of GOD, who is Willing to help.   We are on a much smaller scale in our personal lives and don’t have to deal with the great issues of running a whole country, but sometimes they may seem as daunting as those of the state or federal government.  GOD is still willing to help if we will ask and Listen, for HE loves us and has not left us adrift. 

In the book of Proverbs, the 16th chapter, it says that We decide what we will do and the LORD directs ours path.  In other words, we have a part and HE has a part.  If HE has a special job for us HE will call us as HE did Jeremiah or Moses, or Paul and the Apostles.  That aside we are to choose our occupation and pursue it and GOD will help us along.  We are to also pursue HIM, speaking with HIM and reading the Manual HE gave us.  That’s it pretty much in the nutshell, Love the LORD, Your neighbor, pursue an honest career, pray, read and study HIS Word.  Simple Huh?  Surely simpler than what the world would have us think.  We also need to pay attention to what is going on around us and be an example to others.

My prayer is that all who may read this will trust in the LORD Jesus Christ for their Salvation.  It is simple and free, just ask HIM to reveal HIMSELF and HE will.  You can have the peace that passes all understanding if you want it, or You can continue to strive for the Myth of the world’s beliefs, it’s up to you, nobody will force you to trust Jesus, but one day they will force you to do as the world tells you.  Seems unwise to me to give up without a fight, for those who do not trust Christ, are already slaves to the way of the world.

Chuck the Myth and Join us for Eternity.

Until next time, thanks for looking.    al


JTB Ministries

About ancientcures

I've been a Born Again, Blood bought Christian for 38 years and I want to see all that Will accept the LORD to do so. What I seek is the Salvation of all who may read this blog. I do have other interests but none as important as sharing the Gospel with the world. I invite comments and if you think that I am in error let's discuss it but not by opinion but scripture backed. Hope all who read this blog will check out the LORD because HE Loves You. Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any other ministry that may have the same name. JTB stands for John the Baptist
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