Blow Their Minds

When I was a child I thought as a child, reasoned as a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.  1 Corinthians 13:11

You would probably have to be older to remember when the phrase “Blowing their minds” was popular.  Those, like me, thought it was cool to do something unacceptable to “Blow people’s minds.”  Today, I don’t know if they still call it that or not, but it seems to me that some on the social media, are doing the same thing, trying to look cool or hip, or whatever they call it today.  Of course, these who do this are somewhat insulated by not having to actually face someone but instead can post it on the media and think that they have anonymity.  The big difference, between then and now, is that only few people saw what we did and it was marked down as stupid and people quickly got back to whatever they were doing.  Today, with the social media these stupid episodes are not forgotten and when someone goes in to get a job there they are for all to see and then the job is in jeopardy all for a really ignorant statement of someone trying to be cool, or because they wanted to let everyone know that they were male or female and showed everyone a partially of completely nude picture of themselves.

There is a Proverb that, basically says, “Sometime it’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it up and prove it.”  I guess that’s why GOD gave us two ears and only one mouth so that we would listen more and talk less.  Of course, we haven’t really learned that lesson as we see many who are shooting of their mouths constantly and listening, like never.  You can learn an awful lot just from listening and you can also learn a lot from watching how something is done, not that you’ll be proficient at it, but it gives you a start, or we can say, “Oh I know how to do that,” when really you don’t.

While reading some input on Facebook this morning I ran across an offering about the endangered species and how the unborn have no such distinction and some fellow says, “It’s ok because they are all addicted anyway.”  This is the kind of thing that others see and believe because they are too dumb to understand the consequences of abortion, or how, in years past, people have been deemed this or that and then it was ok to Murder them, for they were no people but property or non-persons.  That is basically what was done in Nazi Germany and in the south of our own nation.  Blacks were property to be done with as the owner pleased, and Jews were designated as non-persons so that they could be exterminated like vermin.  Sad to think that GOD made mankind in HIS own Image and that man cannot see that humans are special in GOD’S eyes.

Just the other day I saw a story about how a college couple had bashed the head of their Newborn and had received 2 years of prison time while a person who had abused an animal had received 10 years.  This is total Injustice, and the thought comes to mind, that many say; “Where is GOD in all this?”  My answer to them is; “What are you doing about this?’’  GOD put us here to get to know HIM and to take care of each other, but human sacrifice is not what HE had in mind.  You say, how is this human sacrifice?  And I would say when you Murder a Human for convenience then in essence you are Murdering to satisfy your god, who or whatever that is. 

Human sacrifice was prevalent in ancient times and in the not too distant past as the Incas, Aztecs and others sacrificed humans to their gods.  Today it is to the god of money, school, prestige, and other gods that demand the life of our children in exchange for temporary pleasure or time to get ourselves set up for the rest of our lives.  No one seems to think about the unintended consequences of their actions, that they may not be able to conceive again, or that they will spend countless years in depression and agony over the Murder of their child.  Men are not exempt from this either, although I’ve never heard of a study on it, but they are just as much to blame as woman, as they coerce the female to get rid of the unwanted consequence.

My intent in this piece is to say two things.  One, that what is said on the social media is there Forever.  Oh! There is a upside to the social media, now you can look stupid to the whole world. Two, that it may be cool to the morons that you hang around with, but it is not cool to those who have intelligence and or the means to give out a job to someone who needs one.  There are lots of Unintended Consequences as we see every day being played out in life, not just individually but nationally as well.  Children Murdered in the womb and or left to fend for themselves as mom and dad struggle to make ends meet because the government wants more and more, as women want to be men instead of the child raisers they were meant to be.  Men who abandon their wives and children to satisfy some urge they have or as they feel like less than men because they can find no work and are relegated to the wifely duties.  The children, who get into drugs and other troubles because they have no one to guide them and believe that their parents don’t care about them.  We have an obligation to our children to raise them and to be there for them, and great houses and fast cars can be had later and not at the expense of those precious children. 

If we want justice then we need to get some common sense and practice justice, or one day it will be out of our hands and the LORD will say, “Enough,” and it will be over.  Being that we are still here maybe we can, at least, make a start. 

Seems like an awful waste, all the info out there on the internet and no one takes time to be informed, but like lemmings they just march lockstep along with someone else who was too lazy to find out the truth.

Until next time, thanks for looking,  al


JTB Ministries

About ancientcures

I've been a Born Again, Blood bought Christian for 38 years and I want to see all that Will accept the LORD to do so. What I seek is the Salvation of all who may read this blog. I do have other interests but none as important as sharing the Gospel with the world. I invite comments and if you think that I am in error let's discuss it but not by opinion but scripture backed. Hope all who read this blog will check out the LORD because HE Loves You. Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any other ministry that may have the same name. JTB stands for John the Baptist
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2 Responses to Blow Their Minds

  1. phfs9 says:

    I was raised in the south amongst the years and angst and out-and-out torture of Black people. I hated it as a child. I knew as a child it was wrong. Once I made the ultimate mistake of speaking out in favor of the Blacks to my mother. I paid dearly for that…..but I never changed my mind or heart about how cruel the whites were to the blacks. You cannot take a people out of their land, enslave them for generations and then in the name of setting them free treat them like animals and not expect them to act out.

  2. Al Roberts says:

    While I agree with you that some have been mistreated, it seems to me that those who name the name of Christ should be preaching forgiveness in order to move on. Moving on is what Paul talked about in Philippians 3, and learning from mistakes made. I believe we have made great strides in relations with others but when there is a constant denial of any accomplishment then no one is served. Those who act out are doing so for revenge and that is The LORD’S business, not ours.

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